About Bosnia and Herzegovina

Identity Card of BiH


Location: South East Europe, the Balkan peninsula, at North, West and South it borders on with the Republic of Croatia, at East with the Republic of Serbia and at Southeast with Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an exit to the Adriatic Sea.  
Geographic coordinates: 44˚16'30'' North, 42˚33'00'' South, 44˚03'00'' East, 44˚49'30'' West
Territory: 51.209,00 km²
Lowest point: Zero point on the Adriatic Sea cost, city Neum
Highest point: The highest mountain peak Maglić, 2386 m
Population: 3531159 (Census: 30 September 2013 - source; Agency for Statistics of BiH)  
Capital city: Sarajevo
Other major cities: Banja Luka, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, Doboj, Bihać, Travnik and Bijeljina 
Administrative division: BiH is divided into two entities: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and Republika Srpska (RS) and Brčko District.
Structure: FBiH is divided into 10 Cantons. Cantons are divided into municipalities and FBiH has 79 of them. RS has 63 municipalities.
Constitution: The Dayton Agreement signed on December 14, 1995 also included the new constitution which is in effect; every Entity also has its own constitution.
Currency: Convertible Mark (KM)
Currency code: BAM
Exchange rate: KM for € - 1,95583

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